Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Craft marathon

Just came back from my church's ministry centre just now, after a full whole day of designing, cutting and gluing. Guess what I did today?...Well, obviously it has something to do with craftwork, in fact, almost EVERYTHING to do with that tedious thing called C.R.A.F.T, which to me is a combination of the following descriptions:


-- Cutting till your hands get numb


--Redesigning, after already designing the things you're supposed to put up, then take them down again to make sure the deco is perfectly & strategically placed! Believe me, craftwork projects can be extremely, and excruciatingly tedious!


-- ART form that requires A LOT of patience, plus delicate hands, plus creative improvisational skills to make do with the whatever resources you already have ( if u want to cut down the cost).


-- Fun. ‘Are you sure?’ you may ask. Oh yeah, I sincerely do mean FUN...not the sarcastic form of ‘FUN’. Especially if you’re doing it for a shorter period of time, for the FUN of it (there… there’s that ‘F’ word again—FUN), then yeah, you know…it’s FUN to do it. But when you’re required to go through days upon days of thinking, drawing, cutting— a full-fledge CRAFT MARATHON, it’s a different scenario altogether.


-- Time consuming. Whether you’re doing a teeny-weeny, cute and simple lil’ craftwork (like a little cardboard and sponge photo frame), or a slightly bigger project like a board deco, it’s still pretty hard work, and very time consuming.

So there… I’ve given you a hint., nothing to do with photo frames. Yes, it has something to do with display boards… yes, and I was decorating it (well, my Mum and I were decorating it, to be precise). Ok, Ok, I’ll throw away my stick and stop beating around the bush, (don’t wanna whack your brains out trying to figure out what I’m talking about). I was actually helping to decorate two large promotion boards and a game stall for an upcoming FAMILY DAY EVENT organised by my church. The whole CRAFT MARATHON started the week before last, to be exact— from searching through the photos to be developed and displayed, then delicately cutting the pieces of coloured paper and gluing it to make some shapes and patterns out of it. My sis was supposed to help me out with the craftwork and deco stuff, but was too busy with her sport’s day training, marching training, piano & violin classes, piano exam.. blah blah blah. So it became this one-girl task at first, until my Mum stepped in the help me cut and draw out things for the promo board on Monday night. She did a major part of the craftwork for one board, and I did the other. Thank God for Mum’s help… I can’t imagine what would have happened if I’d done this alone. So I spent the whole night in church yesterday, decorating the boards with my mum & bro. The team of other church helpers came too, but they were doing other stuff—decorating the whole hall, and their individual game stalls. So, with that dire lack of time & manpower, we couldn’t finish decorating the boards and my game stall on time, and had to continue our task early this morn till nearly evening today. Took the day off from church office work. But phew, at last a major part of the task was completed! A few alterations, adjustments, and a game’s rules display cardboard left to do, which I’ll complete later. Yahooooooooo! I’M JUST SOOOOOO GLAD IT’S ALMOST FINISHED! But I’m feeling pretty sleepy now, since I didn’t sleep well the past few nights… So, I’ve got to catch up on my sleep… which mean I’ve got to tchao! Au Revoir, folks! That’s all for now. Cheerio!

P/S: Oh, yeah, I promised to write about my miracle here’s quite a quick one: I was miraculously healed of a severe sore throat I had on last, last Sunday, one that was pretty bad that I could hardly swallow my saliva without experiencing some intense discomfort. Couldn’t even talk properly, much less sing during worship, since the pain was quite excruciating. Healed during the Sunday service itself, the pain gradually disappeared over the following few hours after the service. And by Monday morn, the pain was totally gone. Praise the Lord! But I’m now down with flu. Got it from I-dunno-who, and I just infected my mum with it. Oh my! So don’t get too close to me if you happen to see me… unless of course if you want to get infected, which I hope not. Sheeesh, I sound like a leper now. Oh boy!

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