Ah, the sweet beckoning of unimas...the tranquil ambience of the small, humble campus...it's going to be part of my world again. Can't wait to be back to that old place, the place I'd been studying and staying the past few months. And best of all, I'm going to be there tomorrow! Yeah, TOMORROW! Though I'll be in a totally different part of unimas...the new world of UNIMAS...the new campus, a brand new dorm, a totally brand new experience. Everything's going to be pretty BRAND NEW! Hopefully my pals wouldn't be totally brand new too! Nah, I'm not like that...old chums mean too much to me. Wouldn't ever trade them for new ones, though I'd most likely have some new ones coming into my life, and of course an old church pal, who's coming in as a brand new unimas freshie! Oh, y'know who you are, it's ******. A great gal, truly one of a kind *****, and i believe, a future great student of TESL, one that will bring sunshine plus enthusiasm towards knowledge (including literature), plus great joy to her class! Hopefully she'll be a future dean's list student too!
But I just can't help but be reminded of a terrible thing. You see, a close pal of mine, a truly amazing friend will not be coming back to join the gang in unimas again, due to unforeseeable circumstances. *SOB* *SOB* will truly miss her A LOT! Well, to that great friend, you know who you are. *sigh* Will truly cherish the times of joy and laughter, even the heated moments of boiling pressure and dark frustration; times we would always sit together in class, times we shared our deep thoughts and experiences....will really miss having you as part of the gang, especially with the four of us always together. This semester will definitely be different without you, and I'll definitely remember you as that cheerful, bright and cute gal who was always there to lend a listening ear; also as my counselor who would advise me, cheer me up in my frustration. I'm so glad to have met a wonderful, sweet, sunny and caring friend like you. You rock, girl! You truly rock, my dear friend, not only through your name--Rocky girl (Haha...I'm referring to a private joke, you know what I mean lah), but also through your thoughtfulness, cheerfulness, determination, and a whole host of other things.In fact, in truth, you're the most cheerful and the cutest among the four of us. Yeah, you truly rock! But I'm glad that things have been ironed out for you, the muddy paths and uncertainties, it's pretty much over for you, I'm glad. You've found your own place, your own area of joy, a new avenue much more suited for you. And all I can say is...you've made a wise decision to move on into that other world, that other area (one which is more relevant to your current interests), instead of being stuck in your present one. So don't ever worry about what the future may hold. But knowing you, I know you'll always trudge on with confidence and determination, like a rock, you'll stand firm, I bet. YOur presence will be greatly missed...and I'll definitely not forget that drama performance we did together, our little walk around the golden triangle of Kuching, our meal at Tun Jugah and the conversation during that last meal at Samarahan. Hopefully our paths will cross again next time! Don't forget to visit us when you happen to drop by humble ol' Kuching! All the best to you friend! Enjoy Penang to your heart's content! Will definitely keep in contact, once I get my new hp!
Well, but whatever the circumstances, nothing will stop me form savouring old and new Unimas, my new dorm, the new semester to my fullest! Oh, btw, just heard from a friend that my new dorm in the new campus is ready, fully brand new (of course), and best of all, it's no longer going to be that 4-in-a-small-cramped-room tiny abode...I'm going to have 7 other roomies, all housed within an apartment-like large room, containing 2 single bedrooms and 3 double bedrooms! Isn't that great? And I'll probably be staying with 3rd year or even 4th year or Master's Degree seniors. Probably, I guess, from what I read about the list of students accepted into the dorm. Well, can't wait to transfer my stuff into my new room, meet new roomies, get back with old pals...which means I'm currently also busy packing my things to be carted to that new place.And trust me, this time, I'm bringing nearly 60% of all my belongings there--majority of my clothes, books (Oh yeah, my books, definitely, and other nitty gritty personal items I may need... no harm bringing as many things as I can since I may need them, sometime in the future, and I don't want to trouble myself to jot down and bring from home the things I'd forgotten to bring in the first place during the subsequent weeks to come. Yeah, I can do that since I'm studying in hometown Unimas. Hehe..don't have to worry about exceeding luggage weight limit...so it's going to be a full car of stuff. My last record was a car bonnetful (to the brim) of stuff, plus my backpack and other bags on the car's backseat. oh yeah, that's amount of stuff I would bring to uni. Hate packing, but just love bringing lots of things along, which will turn out to be unused, dusty items anyway! Oh well, just can't help it! Better safe than sorry, right? Ooh, it's late now, gotta rush off to sleep, bye folks! Enjoying the new uni semester, for those of you going back or just entering uni! Cheerio! ^_^
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
6 days ago
1 comment:
Wow! Your own single room! Man, that's LOVELY! The luxurious priviledge of privacy... *sigh!!!* =) Wow, I wish I was a senior already...
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