Golly, it's weeks since i've posted anything. Can hardly get hold of one of the computers at the unimas library lab or faculty lab, that's why. It's almost always fully booked during the time i'm free to pop in inside the lab. And even when I'm lucky enough to get hold of one...there are always plenty of assignments or tutorial info to search on. Sigh..that's uni life. Can't have the privilege of close proximity to the unimas lab like the previous semesters anymore. I'm living much further away now from my campus...about a 5-minute bus drive away. And since I always cherish my sleep at night, and a good rest during the groggy hours after 7pm, taking a bus to the unimas library at night didn't seem like a sound idea. I'm getting lazier...and lazier by the semester, I realise now too. Getting a reference book to read sometimes seem like sheer torture right now..so the idea of haggling up the bus to get to the unimas lab or library seems pretty daunting.
But I'm pretty much enjoying myself with the lectures. I'm taking up to courses that has to do with literature..something I can exercise my analytical mind on for a bit. Enjoying myself trying to figure the characters, symbolisms and plots out. Critical Analysis and Reading Narratives---hmnnn..sound like yummy subjects to me...you can practically taste the sheer joy of going through them. Nah, I didn't mean it literally. The poems for the course were well chosen too--Blake's " To See the Word in a Grain of Sand" had always intrigued me, and now I'm studying it! Haven't read all that I'm supposed to read though. But I just love those two courses! Hope I'll do well with them this semester..and hopefully get an A for each one of them.
Other updates: Just got a new handphone. So for those who didn't know about this---this means that you can contact me via hp now.
Oh, and I just went for the "Puteri Hang Li Po" musical at Stadium Perpaduan just last night. I've been to dramas, but not a musical like this, so this was the first time. Yeah, I know, I was busy, but someone gave my family free ticket, so why should I miss out on this golden opportunity? Anyway, I had hoped I could go watch it the first time I saw a promo poster on it pasted in front of the ET-the unimas theatre. In fact, I dreamed about going, since I'd always loved dramas. I love reading dramas, watching it, writing scripts for it, and even being in it. And since it was staged by Istana Budaya, I had a good idea how professional the set up would be. So the experience was truly phenomenal for me. Saw Louisa Chon, Soong Ai Ling in action. Aman Yap was truly amazing as Laksamana Ming You...his stance was professional. The dances were spectacular. My sister, Deb, ever the experienced dancer, couldn't help pinpointing the tribe of origin those different chinese dance steps came from. Yeah, she went to China once for a summer dance course, so she had a clear idea of what went round. And the set up of the props were very detailed. A truly professional performance and set up on the overall, albeit with a few flaws (as usual). But it was a great performance nonetheless! What's more to say? It was a privilege even to be there!
Hehe...that's all.....or else my other commitments shall be at stake. Piles of assignments mounting up--I've 6 coming up, and have to edit all of them. It's tough enough doing all of them, even tougher when you have to edit every one of the pair and group assignments too. Always the so called "English Teacher". Then there's also this TEACH 2005 I'm going to attend too--the only student going for my year. Busy, busy me! So, Cheerio folks..bye bye!
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
6 days ago
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