The early hours of today were utterly boring; undisputedly, frustratingly and infuriatingly so. From 9a.m to 5.30p.m, mostly what I did was to pin my already tired eyes on that computer screen in my church office, due to my job description as an odd-job worker cum internet surfer. I’m currently working full-time at my church office during this nearly 3-month semester holidays which started a month ago and will end on 11th July, (been working there for the last 3 weeks or so, you see). But the Lord sure has blessed me with caring and loving church leaders who are my bosses for now. Oh, blessed me! A brief jog down memory lane revealed the following ‘interesting’ things I did today the past few 20 hours:
9 a.m: went to work, started off by counting boxes-full of CGI Bible course booklets, then packing them back into containers and boxes.
10.00 a.m.-1.20p.m: Updated a course attendance record and surfed the net to research on parenting and character building issues and tips for Pastor so that he can compile and use the info to re-create his own course curriculum for a series of parenting talks, seminars or conferences.
10.45p.m.: Received a message from a Uni friend, stating I could call Unimas to obtain my last sem’s results. My heart started beating, furiously.
11.00 p.m. (approximately): The Lord was wonderful to me. To ease my boredom, and inject some joy into my dull day, a Church leader suddenly popped into the room I was working in and gave me a cute little cake box containing 6 pineapple pastry balls from Fujisan. Owmigosh, those pastry balls were one of my favourites from that bakery shop! The last time I had eaten them was when a friend in church ‘chia-ed’ me with a piece 2 weeks or so ago. This was not the first blessing from those church leaders, who have been teaching me so much ever since I entered the office weeks ago. God sure is good!
12.45p.m.: Ate the lunch I brought from home--consisting of home-made ham and sausage ouff. (No, I didn’t make them, my Mum—the wonderful cook and baker made them, which explains my large size and the baby fat on my thighs and tummy).
1.00p.m-5.30p.m.: surfed the net again for some other topics on the theology of family and marriage for Pastor. Nearly fell asleep mid-way. My former habit of afternoon napping seems to be rearing its sleepy head again. And the ‘fun-filled’ job placed upon me didn’t help much either. My younger bro, Hubert drove me home from work after that, thankfully.
6.00pm: tried out driving into that terribly narrow parking spot right outside my house to brush up my driving skills ever since I freaked out from driving nearly 2 years ago. My mega-phobia for driving started after I dented my neighbour’s car 2 years ago. Well, in truth, a mini-phobia actually presented itself even before the car-denting incident, and after I realized my coordination skills weren’t satisfactorily refined, although I’ve obtained my driving license already. Nevertheless, I finally emerged from the car, still safe and emotionally sound, albeit with a wet shirt and wet hair all from perspiration. Ouch! I hate to say this—but physical coordination sure isn’t my forte, Sigh! And my being a nervous wreck sure worsens my current situation drastically.
After 6.00p.m.: As usual, I ‘makan-makan’, ‘bla-bla-ed’, then did what I’m supposed to do. You know, my daily obligations. Tried calling that number to Unimas at 7p.m., but alas, my results weren’t in their computer database record. How did Jodie get her results then? I’ll try it out again, tomorrow morning, at work perhaps. Then after that, well, I don’t wanna go into the mundane details anymore and my eyes are really droopy.
So, bye for now! Read my next post for my future ruminations and ramblings. Cheerio!
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
5 days ago
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