It’s a relief the hassle of waiting and worrying is all over, phew! After 3-4 days of calling up and getting no results, then mulling over and worrying about what could’ve happened, it’s all out. I finally got a GPA of 3.69 (a drop from the 1st semester’s 3.78) and an overall CGPA of 3.73…yippee, a Dean’s Award for my 1st year’s result is on its way! Thank God for those As in the 4 subjects: Sociology of Education, Sociolinguistics, Progressive Grammar and Power Tools for Knowledge Workers (a compulsory computer course), an A- for Learning Styles and Theory of Human Development, and B for TESL Methodology.
Really must give God the credit for my results. I wasn’t expecting that many As, though Socioedu, Socioling and Grammar were all my strong subjects. Progressive Grammar was a breeze (it was easier than the Form 6 MUET paper). The A- for the LS and Theory course was an unexpected bonus… since I botched a 20-mark assignment for it. I didn’t expect an A for the computer course either, which I thought I’d barely scrape through. It gave me such a headache and took me weeks to figure out how to create a website using a combination of Macromedia Flash, FrontPage, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Microsoft Access programs (which I had absolutely no knowledge of), then teaching my teammates how to use them. The 2-hours a week lab-classes we went through wasn’t much help either. The lecturer for our lab sessions (who was actually a senior year student) was so busy that most of the lab-classes had to be cancelled. Fortunately my teammates could help me out with the report, and I had a course-mate who’s a computer expert to help me out with the Active-X coding and advice on inserting this-and-that. So it was a miracle, considering that my computer skills were (and still are) nothing to shout about. I guess the mid-term and final objective-question papers on computer theory and history (taught by another lecturer, who was pretty good) also pulled me through. So, thank God for that!
Wasn’t too glad about my TESL Meth results though, since I scored well for my mid-term and other assignments, and thought I could get at least an A- for it. But it wasn’t surprising, since it was a pretty difficult subject, and considering the fact that I missed out on a 6-mark question in my finals and couldn’t answer a few questions pertaining to the last few chapters I was too lazy to read. My night-before-the-exam cramming habit, coupled with too much computer games and yakking with friends/ roommates dulled my desire to strive hard for the finals. Not a big fan of memorizing the boring details of TESL teaching approaches, obviously… I thought understanding the basic concepts could get me through (as with most other subjects). So I was just too complacent, and took my speed-reading ability for granted. I guess I deserved that B, truly, and I ought to be grateful for what I’ve got. This reminds me of what I learnt about thanksgiving on Saturday during the People Who Know Their God session.
I guess that’s all, for now..Cheerio! ^_^
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
5 days ago
1 comment:
Ahh..i guess i'm the first person to post a comment on your new blog. It's nice to know that you're blogging too. Anyway, i just want to congratulate you on your results. Well, don't worry about TESL methodology, a B is good enough. TESL methodology will be the backbone of the rest of ELT courses that follows. My interest lies in ELT, pedagogical grammar and Technology in Education. So, if you need any help, just let me know. Will be happy to lend a hand. Anyway, Congratulation again! :) - kee man
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