I hope this is gonna be a shorter post this time- considering that my blogging juices isn't in much running condition these days, and my mind's pretty clogged up...updating blogs are hard work!And who reads these stuff these days when better blogs come by the ton nowadays.
But since 2006 is coming to an end....what the heck-i'll just shoot-
Truth is, I'm kinda in a limbo right now- emotionally that is- too many changes in my life happenning all at once, and my emotions are currently all mixed up. I've currently reached a few stops in my journey of life, and during the next few stops be landing in these whole new territories soon, very soon:
First Territory: Crazy New Jungle: KL
Yup! righto- my whole family will be relocating to Our Nation's Pride-KL on the 22nd DEC 06 (Hurray, my Birtday!) since my Dad's been promoted to be stationed in PutraJaya for the next 3 years or so. I'll be there in KL from my birthday till the 2nd Jan 07. Where will I be after that??? Rambling about MiawLand of course-going about my usual UNI stuff week in week out without the privilege of visiting my family during weekends! *SOB* My current house will be rented out, that means all my stuff (from A-Z) will be crammed into the tiny hole of a College room. One of the cars will be sold, the Nissan left for me. There will be no more ASTRO-even in KL...Gosh, I feel like licking my precious TV right now (OK, just kidding). but it's packing time right now- a two-month long project which hasn't ended yet.
2nd Juncture:DrivoPhobia+Mania=TheSCARY Duo
The relocation of my family entails my driving frequently on my own to UNIMAS and anywhere else. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of driving. Being affected by DRIVOPHOBIAMANIOSIS definitely isn't something to laugh about!Urggh, it's much worse than fever or Migraine, trust me. Based on a 3-year Research on trying and attempting to drive done by the local Victoria's Association of Crazily Phobic Drivers of Kuching, the Symptoms of DRIVOPHOBIAMANIOSIS, a deadly virus that affects your eye perception, logical thinking ability while driving include:
(1) Hand and feet numbness-this disease has the potential ability to lock up your arms and feet, and causes temporary incapacitation or slowness in bodily movement as you try to drive and while you drive. BEWARE!THIS IS ONLY STAGE 1
(2) Rapid eye movement and temporary blind-out- I'm not talking about sleep..and this only happens when you are temporarily blinded by the sun's rays while driving in the afternoons. Symptoms of these will usually be accompanied by the next symptom (categorised under STAGE 2)!
(3) Acute Panic and Screaming at the top of the lungs- In stage 2, the mutedness experienced in stage 1 will eventually dissipate. In most acute cases, it'll help when you have someone beside you-a kind brother perhaps- so that each time you yelp in fear and start letting your hands fly all over the place in the car (everywhere except your steering wheel), at least you have a someone there to steer the car for you. Pretty convenient heh? But make sure your driving companion understands the stakes-sometimes the hands might just accidentally (just a teeny-weeny accident of course) cling violently onto the shirt collar of the person next to you (in this case, it helps if the person wears a collared t-shirt. Oh, and the darker the t-shirt colour the better since you never know where those grubby hands have traveled, and dirt may still reside even after a handwash). In other occasions, the hands might just land intermittentl on the companion's cheek or the head, particularly when panic level escalates to over 10 screams per minute. My advice is for the companion to always be prepared with attire well-suited for impending assault-such as a motorbike helmet and at least 5 surgeon's mask or a custom made face and head gear with sufficient shock-resistant padding for higher absorption of sudden pressure. For the driver, please be prepared with lozenges and lots of water for better soothing effect on throat.
(3) Uneven control of cluth and accelerator-man, the control of both these components is a very tricky one-particularly when you've just experience the screaming episode. You will experience sensations such as lurching of the car, sudden car stops, the crazy-car symptom (more commonly known as CAR-HICCUPS)
(4) Acute Sweating and secondary screaming episode- Caused by severe but heavily internalised panic, this less physically demonstrative symptom may or may not follow the previous symptom. On occasions when I first started to drive, I had to bring along a towel, bathing suit with me to convinced others when I get back that I just went swimming. Lame excuse I know, but so what? Yeah, cos my hair was completely wet, and so was my shirt or blouse. Guess I had to tell my parents that some crazy wacko threw my clothes in the pool while I was swimming, or that I had absent-mindedly went swimming in my clothes. But occasionally, when the sweating fails to quell my growing panic pangs, screaming will result, subsequently causing mild to severe interferences to eye and spatial perception and logical-analytical and sharp reflex ability (known as Open Mouth, Clog Mind syndrome).
Grrrrrhhh! Anyway, these new found lands sure aren't for the dim-witted and faint hearted. I'm just hoping that as I'll be able to embrace the joy and independence that comes from bracing through the storms of these new changes. :P
TRALALA! Sayonara!
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
6 days ago
1 comment:
Hey Vic, welcome back to the blogging world. :)
Did u get my email?
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