It's been another long break since I've last blogged. *Turning sheepish*- i've been lazy lately, heh. So first things first- I've gotta catch up with lotsa stuff.
Had a terrible time juggling the piles of assignments and 2 play presentations and exhibitions last semester. It was a hell of a time, but fortunately it was subsequently replaced by a very educational, fruitful, eventful and fun semester break! Haha, if you'll call working from morning 7.15am til 9pm at night 5 times a week, and another few hours of work on Saturday fun. But surprisingly it had been exhilirating, albeit slightly tiring in the beginning. My mornings were used up doing some research & typing work in the church office, while the afternoons were reserved for my clerical and teaching job in a tuition school. It was rather nolstalgic having to go back to the same tuition school i worked at during my Form 6 break, and then doing the same multi-task job i was asked to do previously-being the clerk, receptionist, primary school class teacher & cleaner all at the same time.(Heck, and i even wrote a poem about that first job at the tuition school)..Hehe, guess the past always have a way of getting back to you. Nevertheless, it was an experience i found rather beneficial. Tutoring (I don't really call it teaching since i was tutoring them most of the time) all the primary school subjects for all the primary school classes was pretty interesting & I had to brush up on my once forgotten mathematics, science, Chinese & BM skills, since I've mostly dabbled with the English subject the past few years.
The students were surprisingly less of the rascals i initially imagined them to be.
Had an unforgettably frightening experience teaching a different bunch in the same tuition school a few years back. I remembered having to conduct 2 counseling sessions for a near-suicidal and defiant gal a few years back, chasing a boy who had cursed me a few times before running out of the tuition school etc, and winced at the prospect of facing those similar cases again. But thankfully this new bunch of students were comparatively fine...*THANK GOD* Enjoyed chatting with some of them during the lesson.HEHE..
Then two weeks prior to the start of the semester, there was this LO (Liaison Officer) Induction course and the Uni Orientation that i attended. The Orientation was just wonderful but the Induction course was even better-went for a day trip Permai(where we practised the art of killing mosquitoes, the fastest way to grow 3 shades darker, walking on stony pavements barefooted and then getting ourselves dirty in the sand, oh, and rolling on the ground as well). Then the next day we visited a Kampung (had a fun time washing windows and squatting for nearly an hour washing dishes-i must have gained 1 kilo of muscle mass, ate some interesting kampung food, played games, grew a few more shades darker and watched an all-female *with sarungs tied to their waist* football match-a few LOs from a neighbouring kampung even had the novelty to cut down big banana trees with a grass cutter), had a LO Hunt thingy the following day again (something like a treasure hunt, except we had to look for the MPPs-student union officers all around the new campus-more thigh muscles after that). So yeah, we LOs had first hand opportunity to gain muscle mass while roaming around the new campus before the new bunch of students came in. After that-learnt the art of swaying a pom-pom in one hand and shaking a bottle filled with pebbles in the other while jumping like crazy and sashaying around as we cheered for our teammates during a kayakking race. *Sob* But i lost some of my voice that day. Oh well!
The MAP or Orientation went well...made friends with lots of juniors and other LOs while serving as an LO unit ER or First Aid personnel at Kolej Seroja. *OWMIGOSH* and I nearly cried when everything ended towards the end. A memorable experience for me, definitely!
P/S: **Oh, and i also gained a new *RODENT* friend during those 2 weeks... learnt that a HAMSTER belonging to a friend of mine was named after me, and also a friend of mine whose name rhymes with the word 'hamster'..Yeah, was forced, coerced or prompted to say 'hi' and chum up with that hamster called 'Victoria'-the less sanitized, hairier, furrier, uncomunicative, more grotesque, naughtier, fatter (i'm thinner than that guy you know) & less sophisticated version. I WAS IN SHOCK, APPALLED IN FACT!*GASP*-rodents or hamsters or mousies or chipmunks or prairie dogs or whatever you want to name it, clearly hold no resemblance whatsoever to we humans-the higher beings- hence it does not deserve so civilized a name as 'Victoria'. Hrmphh! And to everyone reading this, please, PLEASE, don't ever call any kucings, or doggies, or mousies, or turtles, or fishies (even if it has nutritional value and contain ginseng-like qualities), or tadpoles, or snakeys, or caterpillers, or wormeys, or sluggies, or oink-oinks, or Moo-moos, or whatever- the sacred human name "Victoria"! Queen Victoria of England of the early 20th century would have been indignant! She would have fainted, in fact! :P
BYE guys! Nitey Nite!
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
6 days ago
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