The ULTIMATE personality test
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(2) How do ppl look at you?
people see you as a loving, helpful person, but
they don't really know who you are... you
sometimes feel pain on the inside but you
hardly show it.
how do people look at you? (anime pics!)
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(3) What Kind of Artistic Temperament Do you Have?
Solo Artist
It sounds as if you're the type of woman who is going to make her artistic mark as a well-regarded solo artist. Whether as a writer, singer, photographer, or something else, you work incredibly well when you're left alone so your fertile mind can be at its most creative. Don't let people pressure you to join in if you really donĂ¢€™t want to (although some socializing is good for even the most solitary types!). Enjoy being so independent, and keep working towards your goals.
(4) What Makes You Unique?
Vic, your most unique quality is that you're unusually Intense
You're wound up and have a lot going on. Others may have trouble understanding what you're going through, but they generally find your intensity very compelling and are drawn to you. This happens even without effort on your part. Compared to others who are also intense, you are unusually quick to listen when others give you critical feedback. Only 2.1% of all test takers have this unique combination of personality strengths.
(5) Center Stage or Backstage?
Is that you lurking in the shadows? Hey, come out now! Sometimes life can seem embarrassing and awkward and all you want to do is crawl under a rock. But don't do this so often that you miss great opportunities. You need to let yourself shine. Getting more confident usually comes from pushing your boundaries — so even if you don't feel comfortable being the main focus, you just have to put yourself out there anyway. And you will get used to it, hey you may even grow to like it!
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