I know, it was days since my last entry..partly because there seemed to be nothing particularly interesting happening in my world, except for a miracle that occurred last Sunday. Believe it or not, I was miraculously healed of a throat infection... thank God...or else I won't be able to speak for days! I'll still call it a miracle healing, whether it is a minor miracle or full-scale miracle, nothing is too small for God to deal with. This is one of the interesting thing about the nature of God— He's never too bored or too tired to look at the tiny, minuscule details in your life. Our slightest needs and desires get met each day, sometimes even without our realization. Come to think of it, it’s truly amazing that an all-powerful, omnipotent God, would be so interested in such a relatively insignificant thing like a puny, fallible being’s needs and desires. A perfect of balance of God’s great power and authority, as well as a deep love and compassion for the people He created. What a great God He is!
Oh, about my testimony...I'll give the full details in my next entry (which i'll post in a few days time, if possible). Didn't blog much the past few days since I'm suffering from this weird pyschological & situational 'malady' I'll call the 3Bs. phenomena:
logger's Block (but it's on the verge of a 'cure' now or else i wouldn't be writing this)(2)
usy few days—with church children's ministry deco and scriptwriting stuff to do, some other personal stuff, books I MUST READ too (can't leave that out...an integral part of my life). But I tend to get too ambitious.(3)
iting sense of frustration over things I can't control, future plans..blah blah blah ( The reasons are too many & too personal...hehe).Oh, about my reading…a topic I can talk about for hours, if possible. B-O-R-I-N-G topic, I know. But I’m currently in the midst of reading a few books, mostly pertaining to my current topic of interest—relationships (no, no, not that kind...but about how to get along well with the people around you, being more compassionate), books like Alan Loy McGinnis' “The Friendship Factor” and Les Parrott's “Relationships:How To Make Bad Relationships Better and Good Relationships Great”. I’ve also just finished reading the following fantastic book:
John Ortberg's "Everybody's Normal Till You Get To Know Them"
This book’s definitely a great read …among Christian literary circles. Ortberg currently tops my list as the most witty and humorous Christian writer yet, with such a magnificent and unique gift of narrating. Almost every single page made me chuckle… and the message he wanted to put across was presented in such a powerfully mesmerising, insightful, yet creatively witty way. It made me saw a whole new dimension to relationships between people and a fresh style of writing that could captivate readers no matter what topic was discussed. Boy, I truly enjoyed every single detail written in that book, and literally couldn’t put it down. A must read, definitely!
Well, that’s basically all for now! Don't want to get into other nitty-gritty details right now. So, enough of my my blah-blah-ing this time round....and stay tuned for my next post! Cheerio! ^_^
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