Sigh! 10 more days..10 more short, few days before it's time for to head back to Unimas. And it isn't going to be as convenient this time round, I bet. No longer staying in the same dorm, with the same bunch of close friends living just minutes apart from you. It'll definitely be different. And the worst thing is, I've been given a place in this new dorm in the new Unimas campus, 5-minutes drive or so away from the current old one! It was my 'smart idea' actually to not rent a place near the current old unimas campus. And a few of my friends followed suit. I was worried that we unimas students will be moving to the new campus soon. Didn't want to sign that a one-year contract after renting a place nearby, a condition which most tenants are required to fulfill, aside from the 2 or 3 months downpayment we have to dig out from our own pockets. There'll be too many complications after that. So applying to stay in a hostel sounded like a better option. And I was so glad I was given a place to stay inside unimas...yeah, inside... but in the new campus. This means that I'll have to find some kind of transport to the old campus each day, since classes will most probably be held at the old one. Well, transportation-wise, it didn't seem that bad, until I got quite a disturbing news from an 'inside source' working in the current new unimas campus today. Apparently, the new hostel in the new campus, the one I'm supposed to stay in during next semester, may or may not be ready when semester reopens. If it's true, then I may be stuck, lodging-wise. Possibly have to ask someone to drive me from home each day to unimas. How troublesome! Now I really wish I didn't let my driving phobia stop me from hitting the road. But I don't know how true is this piece of news. I'm hoping this will just be pure gossip, some untested pre-assumption. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that things will eventually work out well.
So till then, till the chaos starts... well, I guess it'll still be holiday time for me. Or working time. And until then... I'll just have to enjoy these few days while it lasts! It includes having a good sleep, something I'll definitely be deprived of when holiday ends...hehe! So bye! Got to have my precious nap now. Cheerio! ^_^
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
5 days ago