Can't believe how long it's been since my last blog entry...3 months! Golly, it really shows what lack of inspiration I had since the last err..3 long months or so. Wondering where I was all the while?..well.. thankfully I wasn't floating somewhere in the outer space...wish I was whisked by some mysterious force around the milky way though...just for some fun. But nah, life aint that here I am, just going about my daily stuff, my boring stuff, my (at first) uneventful life, then it turned slightly stale and sour (you know, like one of those crusty slices of bread you leave out for days, then after a while it was ok again, then I had to force myself back to Uni...and the long story goes.
It had been a pretty ok few weeks of my new semester... ok in terms of my ability to cope with the load of stressful assignments. Then it became a lil' bit too heavy....presented this reader's theatre thingy just a few weeks back, had such fun singing this lil' sad song(for the first time in my life) and boo-hoo-ing my heart's out as part of the sketch the end I was practically drippin in sweat, but jubilant that it was all over. Phew! Boy, things didn't turn out that well though when the lecturer gave pretty urm...negative comments about all the groups' performance...ALL...not just one or i was really devastated at first.
But I enjoyed myself. Learning to enjoy myself in the midst of the choas I facing now... just had a mid-term test just now (that was exactly like 40 minutes ago), don't what other reason I'm writing this load of stuff except to chill out, kill time. It's gonna be a nerve-wrecking time for me next week, with 2 assignments to pass up and a test as well going on on Monday, then a poster draft, poetry assignment and another mid-term test Thursday, then this huge learning package assigment to pass up on Friday. Really need something or someone to relieve this pressure right now before it surges to extreme boiling point... and that means relying on the sweet presence and annointing of Jesus. Honestly, I'm practically clueless as to how to proceed with all these... had been relying on my prayer, soothing and wonderful time with God to endure all these... and He's been a great comfort. Never bothered to really seek God each day, but something's changed this semester... I just had to spend time with God every single day, and everyday I find myself soaking and bathing in such peace each day despite the immense pressure I'm facing. It's really a wonderful comfort...
So..that's how my life's been.. need to rush now... have to get back to prepare for a quiz and 2 assignment discussion later and I haven't studied for the quiz yet. BUSY BUSY busy me... that's all for now...Bye...Cheerio! :)
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
5 days ago