Gee, can't really believe how long it was since I've last blogged here. Did try blogging a few days ago, but somehow couldn't log into blogspot to update my blog...some server connection problem I guess, dunno...but I ended up venting all my pent-up frustration in my (accesible) friendster blog. For my two latest *angry* blog entries (just updated last week), check it out at:
*Mind you, watch out for some red-boiling-hot fiery stuff written there* Uh-huh!
Ahh..things have been finally settling down for me...with "only" 1 assignment left and a string of semester exams to go. Exams will start on the 9th, then end on the 18th... and there's this critical essay literature assignment to be passed up on the 11th..hmnn, but it's a more peaceful week...really...compared to that crazy past 2 weeks when I got in-and out of fever, then nearly went ballistic over certain things...phew, things have toned down a emotions have cooled down too. With God's help, finally found a way to manage all the things going around me, and not-to-mention--those ruffled emotions. But I'm still questioning and searching for answers to many things in my life- like...What is it I really want to set out to achieve through this life? In what ways can I really serve God? Is TESL really for me? or rather, should I really teach in schools when I graduate? and other general things about life. Been pondering a lot about the future these my preferences, my new desires, my slightly shifting interests & my revamped life goals. I don't honestly know if it's merely a matter of my raging hormones and emotions, or a sudden philospical trigger or insight, or a resurfacing of some of the previous questions I'd raised long time ago, which could've previously been buried in my subconscious. Emotions can be both a wondrous blessing and a cumbersome plague in your life...I can't safely vouch for that--being an intensely emotional person--It's makes you a slave to your own shifting moods (it swings too furiously like a freedom-starved pendulum at times)...the morbidity that results is both psychologically damaging and socially stifling. But ironically I don't show a lot of emotion on my face most of the time, like it's encrusted in ice or something--hard and heavy.... but I like spilling it all out in writing....*AH* nice to have this lil' spot to pour everything out...It's both comforting and exciting--like a philosophical version of my safety blanket.
Golly, had a really interesting time last Monday...specially stayed over the weekend in UNIMAS just to watch the play 'Pygmalion' performed by the 3rd year TESL and ESL students in UNIMAS last Monday night. It was truly awesome...remember 'MY FAIR LADY'-starring Audrey Hepburn....and 'old' movie I know...for those who dunno, it's about a cockney English speaking flower girl--Eliza Doolitle, who, under the tutelage of this professor in phonetics--Henry Higgins, learns to talk & walk like a fine order to be passed off as a duchess at a garden party. Had always loved the story since I last watched it years ago...and would always remember that song 'Wouldn't it be Loverly'.. so watching the seniors performing the play in UNIMAS was like a rekindling of that old passion...*A dream come true*--truly enjoyed the performance... I was esctatic,man... There were actually two versions of the 'pymalion' performed that night... the first one, performed by the first group-- was the original 'London' version, which followed the original play quite closely...then, the second one performed by another group was a re-adaptation...a Sarawakian *Lundu* version of the original...It was interesting to see how these two versions vary...Each version was interesting in its own way...For the first one--Golly, I just loved the acting--truly professional, really...this came from a non-TESL friend of mine, who couldn't believe that the performers were TESL & ESL students...She thought they were all pros. And the singing was spectacular--For that brief moment then, all I could hear from the stage was that rich, sparkling voice-- truly beautiful...The same thing goes for the second play--which was a wonderfully humorous, very local, Sarawakian version of Pygmalion. Loved the use of those cute local accents...and the 'ayang' 'ayang' well as that chilly evil laughter and that 'bomoh'-style stage-jumping & elegant-walking-talking antics of the witch--Ursula. Apparently Ursula took the place of Prof. Higgins in this re-adaptation of the play, and taught a very typically 'kampung', rough-talking Lundu girl how to be 'SOPISTIKETED', and transformed her, in the course of a few weeks, into a national speech competition champion. It was a comical one. to all who were involved in the production of the play--BRAVO, BRAVO indeed! Truly a remarkable performance! Learnt a lot about drama & performance that night! Wish I could watch it again. seniors really sent chills down my spine when I watched the play...reminds me of the BIG TASK ahead of we second year folks next year...Eeeeepss...Wonder how we r gonna match your guys have really set the mark...With the bar raised, it's not gonna be a piece of cake to jump across the hedge--if you get what I mean. Garrrhhh...I'm both excited and petrified at the prospect of being part of our own drama performance sometime during the third year! Hah, but i'm definitely looking forward to it. Bound to have lotsa things to learn and do! Oh-yeah! always...this is another long blog entry. That typical 'loso' style of mine at it's work again! Okay, okay, gotta end this before you guys doze off. Bye! Bye folks! For those students of UNIMAS..**ENJOY** your study week..heheh-u know what I mean... really *savour* the tension that this holiday entails..Oh yeah!... gotta go now...Sayonara!
How to Reduce Teacher Stress: Self-Care Strategies for 2025
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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In the demanding world of education, self-care for teachers is more cruc...
5 days ago